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Toontanks: Circuit Clash

Posted on:October 22, 2023
Tech Stack:

Toontanks: Circuit Clash is a heavily extended game that started as a course project by Stephen Ulibarri offered by The course itself was very useful and after being done with it, I decided to continue using the project and extend it much further and finally, release it on

This gave me an opportunity to explore a substantial vertical slice of game development and Unreal Engine 5. During this project, I got the chance to learn about and implement custom movement, new projectile types and damage types, status effects with custom made niagara particle systems, material shaders, inventory system, pickups, saving, post process shaders, UMG UI for HUD and menus, user settings, Asset Manager with primary data assets, loading screens, custom Slate UI widgets, Nanite and LODs, level streaming, volumetric clouds and lighting, level design, cinematics with sequencer, 3D modelling and general game design and programming.

I released it on on 22nd of October, 2023, including a trailer to showcase the gameplay and some cinematics of the game.

The game features a tank set in a sort of a PCB synthwave universe where the objective is to defeat the turrets and capture their platforms. The game plays more like a puzzle, where the player has to find the best way to approach enemies and strategically use the distinct projectiles that stun, slow or burn over time. At the end of the game, there is a boss battle, including a puzzle piece to beat it.

This took a lot of effort, and while it still has its drawbacks and things I would continue to work on, I am quite proud of what I have accomplished and hope to bring this experience to my next project.

You can read my post about the development process where I go into more details.

Trailer showcasing the gameplay:

Try it out on


Screenshot 1: Tank shooting ice projectiles at the towers
Screenshot 1: Tank shooting ice projectiles at the towers
Screenshot 2: Tank being launched at with fire projectiles
Screenshot 2: Tank being launched at with fire projectiles
Screenshot 3: Tank dodging projectiles coming from towers on fire
Screenshot 3: Tank dodging projectiles coming from towers on fire
Screenshot 4: Tank in intense combat with various kinds of towers
Screenshot 4: Tank in intense combat with various kinds of towers
Screenshot 5: Tank discovering a mysterious power source
Screenshot 5: Tank discovering a mysterious power source

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